jueves, agosto 04, 2005

"God will punish the pervert preacher"

Esta banda es especial para un día lluviomelancólico.
La descubríen una de mis pelis favoritas, Intimacy.

"may his lack of faith disturb her
and the coldness of his hand
may his distance confuse her
may she never understand
let the image of my face
pressed up against her face
and the time that she was mine
burn into her mind"

The Course, DCFC

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1 Comentarios:

Anonymous Anónimo dijo...


tienes gustos demasiado cercanos a los mios, lo cual no es menor...
lástima que no tienes disponible tu e-mail de contacto...

te dejo mi blog por si te interesa conversar de algo interesante...




10:13 p. m.  

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